on graduating

Commencement was this past Friday, Dec. 13…what a day! We had a great little crew of family and friends, in spite of snowy, icy roads and it felt like a fitting celebration. I felt so awkward, having a day that was kind of “about me” – but the more I thought about it, the more…

Comfort & Counsel: Thoughts on Friendship from The Book of Job

In these opening weeks of my “Wisdom & Poetic Literature of the Old Testament” class we’ve been assigned to read through the book of Job and also a couple of chapters of commentary in different books. Although I’ve read the book of Job many times before, the Word of God is so rich and powerful. THE main…

Autumn at Our House…

Autumn at our house is a fresh venison meal made by the hunter himself It’s an evening spent on the porch with a fire and guitar, singing “Knowing You” together. It’s a fall piano-scape with flowers from the mother in law… It’s a sleepless night with a crying baby whose first tooth is arriving… And…

i’M Sorry.

I am getting freaking good at apologizing…  ….frankly, I am sick of it.  Letters, phonecalls, “sit downs”, coffee dates, e-mails. I’ve tried to make things right via just about every means possible in the last few days. I can only hope I’ve finished for a while…but I’m not convinced. In the mean time, for the…

A day in the life…

Getting ready for pre-marital counseling this morning…it’s gettin real! Feeling rather accomplished – all my homework is finished for Christian Doctrine I this morning! I feel like such a scholar just carrying around my huge systematic theology book. It kind of inspires me to lifting weights as well. Without my daily cup of coffee I feel like…