most important things {afternoons with kaya}

Lately my days with the kids have been really good or really rough. A few days ago I did quite a bit of journaling and note-taking to evaluate how things are going, what goals I have personally, for our home and family, etc. We’ve reordered our routines to line up better with where we want to be…

awkward things your kids might say {if you read them Bible stories!}

“Let’s play Rahab!!!” my daughter shrieks as she runs to meet her friends at the playground. I inwardly groan, loving that she knows (and lives) the story of Israel’s victory over Jericho, but slightly embarrassed that one of her favorite Bible characters is (unbeknownst to her) a prostitute….:-/ Routinely, Kaya and Hudson offer: “Mom, do you…

A Place Inside

You know the people who are ‘all-belly’ and simply glowing and adorable during pregnancy? The ones who seem to glide effortlessly and glamorously through the whole experience? (They are probably also the people who have a labor and delivery experience that is perfect and joyous and miraculously short, their bodies rebound days later. Their children…

16 weeks {or something}

{I say 16 weeks ‘or something’ because I always forget my # of weeks and they tend to change my due date 3-4 times anyway! SO! We are expecting this little one in mid-August. ;-P } I may or may not have been stickin’ my belly out for all it’s worth in these…ha! There comes…

1 Year Photos

This boy is turning 1 a week from today! My heart is sputtering praise and thankfulness and disbelief. This boy is chubby thighs and dirty finger nails and gutteral growls… He’s chalk-eating and consternation and scrunchy-nose-faces… He is daddy’s look-a-like and sissy’s biggest fan… He is awkward-lean-in-kisses, un-raveller of the toilet paper, mad splasher of…


how was your weekend? here are a few highlights from mine..:) i’m certain they would play this with me all day… …but my muscles were aching after twenty minutes of this! Ha! So completely worth it for their smiles ❤ Happy Monday, friends! ❤ jc P.S. stay tuned for the final installment (i think! ha!)…