A Vision for Home

A place called home…

England Cottage by L. Diane Johnsonvia

…where we wake and rise to greet the day, filled with promise. Two by two little ones’ eyes flutter open. They’re invited to dress, to eat, to begin – the youngest asking eagerly, “What are we doing today, Mommy?”

A day in the home brings a dynamic blend of the beautiful and practical, shifting and growing with the bodies and souls it houses. Where mother’s hands are busy working toward order and beauty amidst chaos. A peace reigns even in times of hustle. Structure and schedule ensure no task is forgotten, though it’s flexible enough to prove that people are most important. Each member of the household is praised for hard work, and will not eat if they are not willing to partake in the work – however young or small their role may be. Their work will be praised, though not ultimately recognized as that which makes them valuable.

Home is where little hands are raised to heaven and baby voices learn to pray.

Where young men learn to be courageous and young women have the law of kindness on their tongues.

Home is a place for rest. For silence. But also for recreation, loud singing and vigorous debate, where there is a time for every matter under heaven.

The home is a place for griefs to be borne, deepest sorrows lamented, life’s sweet joys celebrated and many lessons learned. It is the place for happy secrets and trusted counsel. Where God’s word is exalted as profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, instruction in righteousness, completing and equipping the man of God. Home is where the truth is spoken gently with love, where there is an atmosphere and a spirit of worship and truth.

Friends are welcomed in and find themselves refreshed, changed and happier for having been loved. One feels he has been nearer to the Lord in communing with family that loves Him so.

Though every shoulder is cold, home is a place of warmth and peace, inviting arms, enticing table, solacing prayers and invigorating activity. Home is a place where, as an old Swedish proverb suggests, “joy is doubled and grief divided.” Upon entering, one feels the dark heaviness of a hard day lift. Here all is well. The keeper of the home has been preparing for and awaiting your arrival.

Home is fresh bread on the table, steam rising and butter beside.

Home is folding laundry together, taking turns at the sink full of soap and dishes. It’s the familiar family recipes and a seat at the table that’s understood to be ‘yours’.

Home is seldom luxury and finest things, but always a morsel of comfort, however simple.

It is the place where an instrument begs to be brought to life and a worthy book awaits your attention.

Home is adventure, imagination and childhood, living room forts and snowflake ice cream.

Forgiveness abounds; offenses forgotten.

Disrespect intolerable; discipline’s in love.

Home is a place for discovery of dreams, talents and gifts. Where a child is shown the way he ought to walk in.

The world beckons the mother away from home saying, ‘Come, make a life for yourself!’ Visions dance before the eyes of her spirit – worldly accolade, accomplishment, affluence. A moment to herself! Yet here, at home – her family’s center – she becomes the nurturing queen of her brood’s affairs. Daily she works in her home, becoming all that God intended her to be. Here she has margin for creativity without limit. Her relationships are rich and deep. She has unfettered availability to those she loves.

Like the proverbial warrior’s quiver, the home is a place for preparation and readiness. Father the head and mother the hands are ever helping to sharpen the mind and motive of each of their beloved. This makes them useful in waging war, which is not a struggle with flesh and blood, but against dark spiritual forces in the heavenly realms. The souls of the children are labored for in prayer by mother and father, together with the church. Each one knows the value of his soul, the costliness of Christ’s sacrifice on his behalf. They are taught that in the world they have trouble, but Christ has overcome the world.

Home is a place sacred and holy, not just for what it is, but for what it represents, and for what it foretells.

Darkness may reign in the world, but in this small shared space, Christ is enthroned. He dispels the darkness, His kingdom is at hand. It is He whom we serve and for Him we eagerly wait. He is coming again, and every tongue will confess He is Lord.

May it ever be…

…in our home.

11 thoughts on “A Vision for Home

  1. Lovely visions and goals.  Love that they are centered in the Lord and that my great grandbabies can be apart of such a home.  Love to all. See you soon. gma Kris

  2. Pingback: A Vision for Home | jordan cristine | a day in the life

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